Belmark Family,

Medical providers continue to develop their rollout of vaccine administration. It is your responsibility to take action if you wish to pursue vaccination.

As of today, March 1st, 2021, Wisconsin has begun vaccinating phase 1B. The definitions of who is eligible for phase 1B can be found here.

At this time, we are not affiliated with administration and cannot assist you with creating an account or scheduling a vaccine. We have provided a robust list of providers and locations administering the vaccine and strongly encourage those individuals interested in receiving the vaccination to utilize those resources. These steps include the creation of accounts, signing up for wait lists, and when eligible, scheduling of vaccination. A map and list of vaccine providers can be found here as well as local resources provided through the COVID19 Update link on the Intranet.

Any employee who receives the vaccination should notify Human Resources after each dose. You may notify Danielle Bogenschutz at; Kate Prebelski at; or any other member of the Human Resources team.

We are hopeful the next phases of administration are enacted quickly and we can provide further direction on being vaccinated. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the COVID-19 Task Force.
Be safe, take care.